Successful FX Strategies by Successful Professionals
Talanto Capital Markets is a marketing brand used to denote successful FX Strategies by successful professionals who currently offer the opportunity to high net worth and well informed professional investors to access professionally Managed FX Strategies through the Talanto Capital Markets Umbrella AIF VCIC Ltd.
(Herein referred to as Talanto or FX Fund.)
The Fund is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) as an Alternative Investment Fund under License No: AIF11/2014 with the scope to invest in a portfolio consisting of currency pairs.
The Fund is governed by the Alternative Investment Funds Law of 2014 (Law 131(I) of 2014 and Law 11(I) of 2015) and the Directives governing its regulations and qualifies as an Externally Managed Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) within the context of an Umbrella Fund in the form of a Variable Capital Investment Company. It is externally managed by Fortified Capital Ltd (“Forticap”), an external Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”), established in the Republic of Cyprus, in accordance with the Chapter II of the Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8th June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) and its supplementing Directives collectively regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’).
The company brings together market specialists – each experienced and expert in their respective market sectors – who share the same vision and have as a mission to identify profitable opportunities.
Talanto Capital Markets
Talanto is an umbrella fund, namely Talanto Capital Markets Umbrella AIF VCIC Ltd currently with one dedicated sub-fund (with segregated liability between its sub-funds), the Talanto Capital Markets Global FX Fund, authorised as an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF), pursuant to Cypriot law 131(I)/2014 concerning Alternative Investment Funds (AIF Law). The Fund is authorised as an open-ended AIF, in the form of variable capital investment company, for professional and well-informed investors, within the Meaning Of The AIF Law. As an entity regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), investors can be assured that Talanto adheres to the highest standards of regulatory compliance and oversight.
Our vision is to be acknowledged within the financial services industry as a benchmark company that provides sustainable returns to shareholders, underpinned by our core values of integrity, reliability, trust and respect.
Our mission is to deliver highly competitive and sustainable rates of return and added value to investors, thereby preserving and growing their wealth in today’s rapidly evolving global market place. We strive to have a holistic approach of the financial conditions and make any uncertainty a new investment opportunity.
Our approach to investment
We work on achieving long term capital growth and capital retention; identifying and utilizing every opportunity to achieve better than average results by taking considered strategic investment decisions that have potential for great rewards. Needless to say, prudent risk management remains central to our investment philosophy and decision-making processes.
Our Philosophy
To these ends, our overall philosophy
is built upon three simple tenets:
SIMPLIFY – Focus on what is important in a complex global environment
PRESERVE – Deliver superior performance with less-than-commensurate risk
GROW – Target high-performance returns on invested capital
Ultimately, we strive to establish meaningful, long term and highly adaptive investment approach that seek to benefit from opportunities in the FX market, taking in consideration the associated risks.